Why are comments important for a blog? – Blogging Insights #29

In this post, I answer the following questions:
How important is the comments section to your blog?
Do you read the comments on other people’s blogs/posts?
Spam comments and spammers : we all hate them. How do you identify spam comments?
Have you ever “approved” negative comments? Continue reading Why are comments important for a blog? – Blogging Insights #29

When I stopped worrying and started taking control of my problems

I found a safe space, where I could be me, in a friend. He did not judge me. All he did was listen to me. He always assured me that all will be right one day. He didn’t have to say it aloud. All he did was to make me feel it. But it did not happen that day. Continue reading When I stopped worrying and started taking control of my problems

Self-love and self-appreciation – My theme for A-Z challenge 2020

Last year, it was an impromptu decision to participate in the A-Z challenge. Since I was able to post regularly for a month, while juggling with my exams and my first job without a break for at least 20 days, I thought I should give it a try this year too. I’ll try my best to complete the challenge on time, just like I said last year. Continue reading Self-love and self-appreciation – My theme for A-Z challenge 2020