4 things that helped me make affirmations work for me

Affirmations should be in the present tense and they should be positive sentences. This is something everyone will tell you, but how do you actually make them work? Here are four things that helped me make affirmations work for me. Continue reading 4 things that helped me make affirmations work for me

I am a self-taught blogger – Blogging Insights #38, #39

In this blog, I answer the following questions:
How technically savvy are you?
Did you launch and set up your blog on your own or did you need help with it?
Do you feel that it is more important to have a flair for writing or have good computer skills to be a successful blogger?
How helpful did you find the WordPress tutorials on blogging?
Did you contact the WordPress support staff (Happiness Engineers), if that was included in your plan, and what was your experience with them? Continue reading I am a self-taught blogger – Blogging Insights #38, #39

I love Gutenberg Block Editor but I have suggestion – Blogging Insights #35, #36

In this blog, I answer the following questions:
What is your experience with the Gutenberg editor?
Do you prefer it over the previous editor?
If you are not satisfied with Gutenberg, what suggestions can you make to WordPress to enhance your blogging experience? Continue reading I love Gutenberg Block Editor but I have suggestion – Blogging Insights #35, #36

Should I write about an incident whose ‘most important’ detail my brain has killed?

A couple of days ago, I recalled another incident that I was not planning to put into my story.

I want to honest with the story, then why was I planning to skip it?

My brain has killed the “most important” detail of the incident. The “WHAT?” question. Continue reading Should I write about an incident whose ‘most important’ detail my brain has killed?

Blogging about pandemic – Blogging Insights #31

In this post, I answer the following questions:
1. How frequently do you post about the pandemic? Please share links to a couple of your “pandemic posts” that you particularly like. If you have not written anything about Coronavirus/COVID-19 (seems unbelievable) what are your reasons for this?
2. What kind of “posts about the pandemic” do you like to read? (If you don’t, then pleasetell us why?)
3. How have you and your blog adapted to “the new normal”?
4. Have you seen any change in your blog stats during the pandemic? Also, are you posting more or less than you used to? Continue reading Blogging about pandemic – Blogging Insights #31