
Photo by Hassan Maayiz on Unsplash

It felt as if I didn’t know him
A different person he was now
Life should not have been so unfair
I was left wondering
What changed him so much
I resolved to make things better
I was confident that
There was still a possibility
I believed he was wise
But he had no intention
To give himself a second chance
There was no thirst in him

In response to Word of the Day- Wisdom, Resolution; JusJoJan- SoCS Jan 4/2020, Intention, Possibility; Daily Word Prompt- Thirst, Confidence

17 thoughts on “Thirst

    1. Yes, sometimes we have a lot many hopes from people but they are struggling too much with themselves.


      1. Exactly. Would you stay by them to help them? What would you do if you find that it’s affecting you negatively?


      2. Sometimes we have to stay don’t we even when we’d love to run. If it’s a husband or a grown child we have too even if they drag us down …which husband’s often do 💜

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