8 tips for new bloggers – Blogging Insights #41

Here are my 8 tips for new bloggers:

  1. Be patient and consistent.
    You can’t gain a hundred followers overnight. It takes time to earn a loyal audience who wants to read what you blog about. To start with, I suggest posting at least once a week. Even if you can write 2 or 3 posts in a week, start with one. Have the rest as buffer posts because sometimes life happens. Increase the frequency when you get a hang of it.
  2. Take help of WP tutorials.
    When I started blogging, I was unaware that WordPress had its own tutorials. From blogging fundamentals to building a business website, WordPress’ Daily Post has it’s own tutorials. If you need inspiration to write a post, they give you a kick every day in your mailbox. Check them here.
  3. Add tags.
    Tags help you get searched on the explore section. EverydayInspiration and Postaday are two of the tags that I got to know about from WP tutorials. Make sure that you don’t overuse tags. A maximum of 15 tags+categories should be used. Know more here.
  4. Have an about page.
    Let your readers know who you are. If you wish to keep your identity anonymous, even then have an About page to tell what you are going to blog about, your likes and dislikes, anything that you’d like them to know.
  5. Have a contact page.
    Let your readers reach you out in private. I have made several blogger friends via emails.
  6. Engage.
    Don’t just stop at liking blog posts of other bloggers. Write personalised comments. Tell them what you like about the post. Share what you found relatable. If you have written a similar post, add a link to that post after the personalised comment. DO NOT shamelessly self promote by asking bloggers to visit you.
  7. Participate in writing prompts and challenges.
    They not only give to blog ideas but also help you find like-minded bloggers. You also get discovered by them.
  8. Seek feedback.
    Don’t feel shy to seek constructive feedback from fellow bloggers. But be specific about your queries. Do you want a feedback on layout? Do you want to know more about themes, menus or widgets? Do you want them to advice you on a specific blog post? Whatever it is that you want to know, be specific about it.

If you have any questions or want to add to the above tips, go ahead!

In response to Dr Tanya’s Blogging Insights # 41 — Sharing Pearls of Wisdom

24 thoughts on “8 tips for new bloggers – Blogging Insights #41

    1. Hey, I’m so sorry I don’t know why my reply didn’t get published.
      It’s never too late to have an About page. Say whatever you would want your readers to know about you. You can even change the content when you feel what you wrote some times ago doesn’t resonate anymore with you. 🙂


  1. The patience thing is important. Consistency really trumps intensity, and results really aren’t going to show up overnight, no matter how hard you work that night. Thanks for this important reminder!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thanks for the tips! I can confirm that patience pays off in the long run. I have not been regular in posting as I initially planned, but about 1.5 years after I started some of my posts stared being noticed.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. There are a lot of bloggers who organise daily/weekly prompts and challenges.
        Linda has a Saturday stream of consciousness prompt. You can check it out here: https://lindaghill.com/category/stream-of-consciousness-saturday/
        Daily word prompts from a group of bloggers you can get here: https://wordofthedaychallenge.wordpress.com/
        Shweta does a six word story prompt every Saturday here: https://thesoulsearchersite.wordpress.com/saturday-6wsp/

        you can follow these blogs to get notified of the new prompts.


    1. Yes, it takes time. I’ve also not been regular. That’s why you’re getting such a late reply to this comment. Recognition takes time 🙂 Have been able to get regular with posting now?


    1. Nothing is wrong. It just takes time to get recognised. But don’t let that stop you from posting. You’ll find your audience with consistency 🙂


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