I am determined… A to Z 2020

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

D for Determined

I am determined to never give up on myself.
I am determined to learn from my mistakes.
I am determined that I will try until I succeed.
I am determined to stay calm.
I am determined to grow.
I am determined to love myself.

Read all parts of A to Z challenge 2020 here.

9 thoughts on “I am determined… A to Z 2020

  1. That a girl Saumya. Way to go. Love yourself, know yourself and never give up. Never, ever let anyone change who you are. Hoping you are inspired for the whole A to Z. May your Muse be your best friend. Happy Easter Week-end, or just Spring blooms and clear skies for you. Take care, stay safe.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Susan! Thankyou for sending your positive vibes ❤
      Yes, I'm planning to complete A-Z this year too 🙂
      Happy Easter weekend to you too. I don't celebrate it, but yeah, the spring is here 🙂


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