How have writing prompts helped my blog? – Blogging Insights #19

Do you like to respond to writing prompts?
I love participating in writing prompts.

Do you feel that they add value to your blog?
There are days when I don’t have anything on my mind but a prompt does its work and prompts me to write. That’s what they are supposed to do.

Yes, prompts add value to my blog. When I check the stats, I see how the organising blogs’ referred my post to them.

In the last 2 or so years, a lot of my content has developed from the prompts. I was inspired to start my own weekly writing prompt Let it Bleed. (Though me going on and off blogging, I haven’t been able to be regular. But the prompts have no deadlines. If you are looking for inspiration to write, go check them out :D)

What are your favourite kind of writing prompts?
Word prompts. They are everywhere. But I love the ones from Word of the Day.
I try photo prompts too but not that much.
Had participated in A-Z challenge last year. It was fun. Haven’t decided on my theme for this year yet. Also I don’t know if I’d be participating or not since I’ve been off blogging for almost a month now.
I love this blogging series by Tanya.
Then there was Friday 5 lines that I recently participated in before my last disappearance.
Not to forget, I enjoy Linda’s Stream of consciousness too.
I have tried a couple of prompts where you are asked to complete in 99 words or write in a particular format. They are challenging. Trying them once in a while is fun.
I really enjoyed this one where I wrote one story multiple times in different formats.
Oh there are many more prompts that I’ve participated in. I’m always on the lookout for prompts 🙂

Which ones are you less likely to do?
Music prompts- the one where you give a song as a prompt.

In response to Dr Tanya’s Blogging Insights #19

14 thoughts on “How have writing prompts helped my blog? – Blogging Insights #19

  1. You didn’t mention the music one to me. I’d be very interested in that, I think, as well as letter writing.

    I wrote a poem called “Let It Bleed”, guess I should credit you with the title?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I didnt mention the music one because I don’t like it 🤣🤣 but yeah, we can definitely add it to the list.
      Was my prompt challenge an inspiration for that poem?

      Liked by 1 person

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