Blogger Community

Hello.Ooo everyone…!
I have an announcement to make.

For quite some time, I had been thinking of ways how I could engage with more and more of you. Not just by reading your posts and replying in the comments sections. I wanted to make a platform that would help us share and explore, a place where we could talk about our blogging journeys, our blogging hacks, anything and everything, somewhere we could ask our questions and share tips with others.

Start a meet and greet kinda event on Randomness Inked! Sounds simple?

I thought of doing that. But I could not. It would hinder my own blogging. It would not allow me to be myself. Then I thought of making a new blog. But then doing that would be a huge task. Do I have the time to take out time to manage a new blog? Life seems more busy than usual nowadays.

Recently, I stumbled upon a theme that makes communication easier for a group of people. And that was it. It was a sign! I started working on building up the platform about two weeks ago. Once a draft was ready, I started reaching out to some of the bloggers I know (and I’m still reaching out to some of you guys) personally for feedback on how things could be improved.

Today, I feel that I am ready to announce the existence of Blogger Community @ If you have read it till here, I would like to take some more time of yours by requesting you to visit the Community and browse through the different sections. Please feel free to join in the conversation to explore, share, ask, help and discuss with each other. Let’s engage better!

If there’s something that you think is should be there in the Community but is missing, write to me and we’ll figure a way out.

Word of the Day

14 thoughts on “Blogger Community

  1. I like this post times a thouand! This is what I have tried starting before and it just never took and it could well be my lack of um…social skills. With your permission, I’d like to reblog this and see if maybe we can make this community work. It sounds wondermous! Thanks for this, your hard work is appreciated as is your kind heart.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thankyou dear. Yes, feel free to reblog. The more people join it, the happier I would be.
      Did you take a tour of the site?
      Would love to see you there!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Zankhana. I don’t know a lot of people in my real life who are into blogging. But yeah, on WP, there are loads busy blogging all the time.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on Take a Ride on My Mood Swing and commented:
    PLEASE read and get involved. We need this community and we need to come together to make it happen and prosper. Even if you have limited time, a brief perusal just might make you curious enough to check it out.

    Liked by 1 person

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