Do you read your old blog posts?- Blogging Insights #10

How old is your current blog/website?
This blog was created in 2014, but the first blog post was shared in 2015.

Do you ever look back at your site i.e. read through your old posts?
Yes, sometimes.
I am trying to get into a habit of linking my new posts to the old ones to give them more exposure.
Also, while reading posts of other bloggers, I am sometimes reminded of posts that I wrote in the past. I go back to read them and share them with the blogger.
When 2019 ended, I went through the top and the bottom most posts of my blog to create lists.

How long ago did you update your about page ?
My About page is a poem I wrote about myself for a college assignment (Yes, we had subjects that allowed us to be creative) back in 2017. I shared it much later in 2018.
There’s a second page which talks about the name of the blog: why and how I came up with the name of the blog.

If you were to start a new blog today, what would you do differently?
I would have engaged with other bloggers from the very starting. Participating in prompts and other challenges more regularly. Everything else seems fine.

Do you read you old posts? Do you have an About page? Have you written your About page in a simple manner or added a pinch of salt to it?

In response to Dr Tanya’s Blogging Insights #10- Looking back at your blog posts

11 thoughts on “Do you read your old blog posts?- Blogging Insights #10

    1. Thankyou Tanya! I did it once in 2017 and then last year. My idea was an attempt to get more exposure to those posts. But I realised that it was an interesting activity and not only made me revisit what I wrote in the past but also allowed me to check what worked better on the blog.

      Funnily enough, I mentioned about linking my old posts in the new one but forgot to link them in this post. I just created the hyperlinks to not look stupid 😀


  1. I find it that many people create their About page at the very beginning and then forget about it. I return to it every now and again. I recently added stuff regarding the book in which my story was published.

    Like you, sometimes, when I am reminded of something I wrote, I go back and read it.

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    1. Yes you’re right. Updating the about page is necessary. You should be able to identify yourself as that person you wrote about.
      My about page initially used to be very vague. I just didn’t know how much of info should I give and how to maintain the balance between sincerity and creativity. But after writing the poem, I realised that it would be a perfect description of all that I am. And I don’t feel the need to update it anytime soon.

      How frequently do you visit your about page?
      I see a lot of people don’t have an about page. And that makes me feel that their blog is missing an important thing. It’s an opportunity that you get to write your story.

      Liked by 1 person

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